Thursday, October 18, 2012

SEGA Presents the Model2 Collection Coming Soon to XBLA & PSN

This seems interesting. SEGA is going back to some select Model2 games to give them a bit of a facelift. But what games are there though?

Virtua Fighter 2: Seems to be the same old game more or less. If I had to guess it's Version 2.1 as far as the balance goes. But it's Virtua Fighter 2 so who really cares.

Virtua Striker: To be honest I never played this one but I've played later games in the series in the arcade and such so it should be an interesting experience to get to play this one.

Sonic the Fighters: This is the most surprising game in the collection because this is the 2nd time it's been released on anything and from what's seen seems to be the best game this collection even offers. And I'm surprised that since is a Japanese trailer that the game wasn't called Sonic Championship.

Fighting Vipers: Awesome underrated fighter that is going to get some well deserved shine. I highly doubt Pepsiman will make an appearance but I wonder will Sonic be a playable character?

Virtual-On: The game that started the series and arcade perfect to boot for the 1st time ever. The PS2 release got really close to arcade perfection on the SEGA Ages Collection. Somebody needs to drop an affordable Twin Stick. I'm very, very surprised that this never happened.

As far as the pricing, release date, the alleged inclusion of Last Bronx and future games is something I'm unsure of at the moment. On top of that I could sit here all day naming games SEGA should be getting to like Dynamite Deka, Revenge of Death Adder, Scud Race and Planet Harriers to name a few. I do however have to take the time and acknowledge that SEGA has been killing it lately with the digital re-releases of their back library and if the recent games say anything that this should be nothing short of great stuff. I'm hoping that this collection is a step forward to more games coming and other companies realizing that there is a thriving market for these types of releases. So here's to hoping.

-Triple Da God

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