Just found out that Malicious dropped on the NA PSN this week. Problem, I kinda beat this game 2 years ago when it came out the JP PSN. It was worth the ¥¥¥ I paid for it in 2010 and then some. But the question is does this game hold up now especially that Malicious Rebirth is not too far off? The answer to that is, FUCK YEAH!!!! Malicious is the amalgam of a whole bunch of other games you've played before and it's done really well. There's a bit of a stylish action feel. A pinch of 3rd Person Shooter. And there's even a hint of strategy games in there in how you manage the resource you're given or in this case take away. And managing that resource is life and death in Malicious. Trust me.
I'm trying the best I can not to get into any of the story because the game does an excellent job introducing you to and keeping you interested in the lore of Malicious and as I always state that having that type of immersion into the narrative helps you appreciate it that much more. It can be completely skipped but I wouldn't suggest that because the story and gameplay go hand in hand. In other words, the two separate are good but both together are awesome.
The premise at a bare minimum is this. You good guy. You destroy bad guys and use their abilities on other bad guys. Use all those abilities to beat the super bad guy. Sound familiar? That game I won't mention by name is the core premise but it doesn't exactly work the same. This again is story related so I'm duck, duck, goosing around it the best I can here.
Here's what I'm getting at here. This of course gets a COP DAT ASAP. This is worth every bit of $10 ($8 if you're PS+ member at the moment) and your missing out if you let this pass you by. There's of course a demo if my words aren't enough but you should just honestly skip that part and just buy it. The game offers enough replay value to cost what it's asking for and trust me you'll get addicted to getting better marks like I was when this was a mainstay in my library. I'll be definitely buying this again and having it later to play with once I kill off more of my backlog. So in short if you have a PS3, the Internet, a way to access PSN Store and 10 McDoubles then BUY FUCKING MALICIOUS OK!!! You'll thank me later. And be on the lookout for Rebirth on the Vita really soon. That's going to be a great game to have on the go.
And speaking about Rebirth, the 1st trailer is below to watch at your leisure. Game drops on 11/22 on PSVita. Get familiar.
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