Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cool Shit From The Week That Was: July 16th Edition

As usual I have the last week on lock down. So I won't waste anytime with niceties. Let's get that in.

The main idea of that is I'm one step closer to playing this game legally. Now when games are re-released for NESiCA X Live there are usually balance changes that come as well. What those changes are something that I don't know at the moment but I'd assume that these changes will be released by Dimps at some point and when they do I'll have a breakdown of what those changes actually mean for the game's future at high levels of play.

Dear Sega, thank you for making this happen. The game is still the crack and now you gave it a HD SEXY TIME MAKEOVER!! If you haven't discovered the crack that is Yakuza then this is your chance to get the whole story from the beginning. This isn't really necessary because each game gives you an abridged look at the previous ones but there's something about playing and experiencing everything the games have to offer. So this is Japan bound for sure but there isn't any confirmation for anywhere else for release. When that info comes out I'll put you up.

We had some new gameplay footage of Krazy Azz Krackaz 6. Because of the spoilers involved I didn't watch them but you're free to do so. And 2 Krackaz in China is FUCKING GENIUS!!!! Somebody get on that please.

This week also brought us some new info about Double Dragon Neon mainly the fact that this'll be out 9/11 on PSN and 9/12 on XBLA for the low, low price of $10/800 MS Points. So this is a must if you're a fan regardless of how you feel about the aesthetics of it all. The trailer above did give us some additional information about combat though. It seems that the Lee Boys have a Dragon Summon now which would be the equivalent of a bomb in a SHMUP. The Cyclone Kick has been massively improved now hitting multiple times. There seems to be a Chi Charge Punch and Sweep that was demoed and a Dashing Elbow as well. Game is shaping up to be good and I'll have a review on this when it drops in September.

Looks like Ruroni Kenshin is back on PSP with Kaisen the sequel to last year's Saisen. Looks like the combat is pretty much the same. It looks a lot more fluid and faster and the best part, MOAR CHARACTARZ!!! This game is throwing the whole series and OVA in its story mode and the majority of major players from the series as a whole. I'll be hopefully doing a review on it if I can get my hands on it. Be watching for that.

As we do every week it's time for a TV and Toku Review Break!

605: Split Decision. Michael is on the search for Rebecca's brother and has to convince the group he snitched on to stop their search from finding him. Fiona cuts a deal with Card to become a CIA asset in exchange for her freedom.

507: In The Beginning. The only thing you need to know about this episode is some characters get really high and damn its hilarious. More plot happens but as always I never mention it. Have I ever? Nope!

107: Collateral Damage. If this episode teaches us anything is stay strapped and don't snitch. They just lead to bad things happening is all.

Fourze 43. To be honest this show is starting to head to creepy town just a bit. With 5 episodes left the series is in hurry-up plot offense and we're still short the power up the Fourze needs to win. We'll see if they can get the job done.

Swag-Busters 21. Technical filler all about Evil Ryuji. Enter escapes and Escape enters next time.

For the 2nd week in a row there is no JOTKING Moment of Clarity because I've been too busy. And that sucks. However in trade I'll put you up on something instead.

The above is the 1st episode of the Game Grumps playthrough of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. The Game Grumps duo is made up of "THE FUCKING GENIUS" Egoraptor and Drunken JonTron. They're in the middle of a couple of playthroughs that include Mega Man 7, Kirby Super Star and Goof Troop. They're not JOTKING and I but they suffice at the duo playing games and saying hilarious shit thing. So tune in to them for a different look at some of the classics.

And to close our week out some gratuitous self pandering of my own works.

RUN DAT REXXX IS BACK HOES!!!! 2.5 week hiatus my ass. It was hot as fuck and I was busy. So watch as I show you the way through World 6 as only as I can.

And as quick as it came, it goes even quicker.

As usual thanks for your time.

Make sure you're doing those things where you like and follow me and if you aren't then the right side of the page can help you out.

Have a wonderful week.


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