Dungeon Fighter Live: The Fall of Hendon Myre is for a lack of better words, not a good game. Everything is in place for it to be an awesome game but it falls short in all categories. Mind you I just played the demo to make my decision on whether I'd buy it ASAP or wait for the sale just to show support. You can guess how this went. My one and only hang up is the game's feel. And everything in the game feels wrong. It feels very clunky and non-intuitive all around. Everything a marriage between beat-em-up and RPG shouldn't feel like. With Capcom bringing Jojo back it may be time for the HD Remix of Tower of Doom and Shadow Over Mystara to show a game like this how you actually do it. If you were interested in this game and haven't played Dungeon Fighter Online then I suggest that over this. Full Disclosure on the subject is my craptastic PC can't even make the game start but from what I've seen of that it looks like the better option if you have it. Like I said I want to support this game just not for 800 points. There is DLC coming for what I have to assume is for more classes and stuff and maybe an engine fix to let the combat flow a whole lot better than what the game presents.
So seeing as this is a write up and not the full taste I have a different grading scale for the reviews I'll be doing in this format and they consist of the following 3 possible grades.
- Cop This ASAP: This game is a must no matter what they're asking for it. BUY THIS NOW!!
- Wait For Dat Sale: The game might be cool but what they're asking for it may not represent the quality of the product in question. So if you're in no hurry to have that game in your library then waiting would be your best bet.
- Skip Dis Shit: The game has no reason to exist so ignoring it outside the shine I gave it is what might be best. If you want to be curious and check it out for yourself then feel free. You've been warned.
If you need to download the trial or full version you can do so HERE! Once this game gets that nice price drop I'll make sure me and the crew have a shot at this.
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