Monday, November 9, 2015

#TheCool: The Proof of Celebration of Life!


Before we get to work is a little self-promotion is in order.

I got a chance to celebrate The Boss' life by playing some Tetris and there's even a bonus story about my history with the GameBoy. I'll be doing this a lot more often so expect it when you least do!

Before you board the train be sure to visit #DoaGHThaSHOP to pick up something for that special fiend in your life! Available right now..

En Eins Perfektewelt, Aquapazza Aquaplus Dream Match, Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator, Chaos Breaker, Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm, The King of Fighters XI, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition, Blade Arcus from Shining, Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[st], Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, Power Instinct 5 & Koihime Enbu!





Indivisible is 50% there and in 6 days getting the other 50% is a thing that may not happen. However, if they can get another 10% in those same 6 days they'll get another month to raise the funds. So if you haven't donated then you can do that HERE! If you need to be convinced to part with your cash there's a demo for Windows, Linux, Mac and now in PS4 as well so you can make the correct decision!

Looks like Leona Heidern & Chang Koehan are ready to Burn to Fight as the newest challengers in The King of Fighters XIV! There are some rumors about the cast of this game and you're free to search that out on your own. Still can't keep a damn secret, huh?

From the land of Xtreme 3 brings us what will be your Pre-Order & Collector Edition bonuses. Feel free to take a look and I'll explain what you're about to see.

For Fortune your First Print Bonus is Marie Rose's Petit Devil Swimsuit and Kasumi's Swimsuit is 1 of the 9 Extreme F Swimsuits included with the Collector's Edition.

It's the same for Venus with Honoka's Petit Angel Swimsuit and Nyotengu's Extreme V Swimsuit is 1 of the 9 included with the Collector's Edition of Venus.

In other news, the game will have an Asian region release with English Subtitles so if Team Ninja can't make up their mind about a release outside of Japan/Asia is there's a version for you. I'd suggest hanging back for more information before setting your cash down on a version. Good news regardless.

Thanks to 4Gamer for the pics and you can find more information at the article HERE!

Novemember 10th will bring the next update for Nitroplus Blasterz which will add Ouka & Ilia to the roster! #DoaGHThaSHOP will have all the newest footage as soon as it becomes available so be watching for it.

For more information and the pic source check out this 4Gamer article HERE!

Novemember 19th brings BlazBlue Central Fiction to arcades and you know #DoaGHThaSHOP will have all you need as we dive into Chapter 4 of this saga! Be ready!

Coming to PS4/XBONE is Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae. Just a cool Hack and Slash game that's been on Steam for a bit and I'm just putting the word out that it's coming on Novemember 20th in Japan. There's plans to release it everywhere else so I'll have that information when it becomes available.

Your fighting game isn't complete without a SNK boss. Pokkén Tournament now has Shadow Mewtwo. This ends well for nobody. I wish you well.

2nd Encore has already taken over arcades and is coming soon to take over PS4 & Vita in Japan. Just thought you should know.

With Blade Arcus from Shining EX coming on November 26th is you might need to brush up on your Ryuga, Pairon Wong, Rage & Sakuya stuff so do so now.

December 17th is coming and with it Eyes of Heaven and now we know why things are messed up in the JoJo universe...Heaven Dio. I don't think Heaven Dio is one of the Dio's from the Jorge Joestar novel but wouldn't surprise me if they wanted to tie that into this somehow.

This Genei Ibun Roku♯FE Hype Train to December 26th is still rolling so take some time to meet Tsubasa Oribe & Sheeda.

This week in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir brings us some action via Cornelius so please enjoy.

If you're looking for some Tetra action via Hyrule Warriors then this vid is for you.

They may have not settled on a title for this game but this Attack on Titan game is going to be something nice regardless.



I got my hands on some exclusive stuff and once I find a way to show it all off I will be sharing it so be watching for it when it drops.

Still slowly making my way through Lost Swords. The clock is always ticking so I have to be ready with that review before the game shuts down.

The 2nd episode of Supergirl was way better than the first. It looks like the show has found its footing and this'll be a ride to enjoy so expect to hear more about it during break time.

As we always do, we give thanks to the Usual Suspects for doing what they do!

Special thanks to Heroes Reborn for bringing everything full circle because the show needed it to make it all work.



Shouts to Stuart Edge & Peter Hollens for bringing A Goofy Movie to life in a super cool way! Told y'all that movie was my shit growing up. The Perfect Cast...

Botchamania 292!

New episode of Pokémon 'Bridged!

New episode of Lindbeck & Lee featuring Vic Mcderpaderp!

I had a nostalgia trip when I just started just listening to some of the old Dr. Sub-Zero podcast. This was stuff before Cross Assault which was and still is some classic shit. I miss the next batch being released and the latest on the legend that is Ray Ramos!

A long time has passed since then and the good Doc & Shogo have gone on to do whatever they do and in respect of that I'm only going to highlight the Ask Dr. Sub-Zero Live content out of that respect and also shouts to Preppy another OG in the game who backed up the audio versions of the Ask Dr. Sub-Zero Live! that were the podcasts before the show started and you can get those HERE!

In that same respect is I will say you can find some of the other stuff like when Doc took over The Dogface Show (You should hunt down that as well) and the videos for Ask Dr. Sub-Zero Live before if you really want them. Just letting you know!

The reason why I was showing love so much when he came back was because the earliest stuff I consumed during my time on SRK was the OG show and AlphaISM. Mad love to Bunkei and that whole crew for the one time!

Thanks, Doc!

That shall be that for now!

As usual, we thank you for riding with us!

Know your patronage is appreciated!

Be ready to ride the next time the train does what it does!

Same #TheCool time! Same #TheCool channel!

-Triple Da G.O.D!

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