Before we depart be sure to stop off at #DoaGHThaDOJO's to get your favorite fiend something they can appreciate! Available for you right now...
The Rumble Fish 2, Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition, Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[st], Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel, Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator, Blade Arcus from Shining, Koihime Enbm & Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code!
Secret's out! Welcome to Mane6's Them's Fightin' Herds! It's good to see what they did for Fighting is Magic is still alive and kicking here. Arizona Cow is Applejack and Velvet Reindeer is Miss Rarity except instead of diamonds she can control ice in a very similar fashion. Mane6 has been answering a lot of questions about the project since the release of this video and I'm glad to know that Holy Mother Faust is very deeply involved with the project and it seems to be better for it. They say when the crowdfunding starts on September 21st is we'll be getting a lot more info. Prepare your wallets!
I should've reported this news weeks ago when it found out but I just didn't and now I am. BATTRIDE WAR'S BACK!! After the colossal fail of SummonRide is that we're back to the Musou with this one. Looks like they're focusing on time travel this time around. We'll probably get some more info when TGS happens. More on that in the next installment.
The Angels of Arcana Heart are coming to Steam on September 29th. This is a Love Max port so no SIX STARS!!!!!! content here I'm afraid. At least for now. I haven't heard any pricing but given history $15-$20 should be the price range if I had to guess. We haven't even heard any news about a SIX STARS!!!!!! port yet. We may get some news about that at TGS as well. Stay tuned!
The Binding of Issac: Afterbirth will be hitting Steam on October 30th. All new everything on top of what you've already got so more for those who want it. There hasn't been any news about consoles getting this update but if that does get announced I'll have that news for you right here!
Here's something I bet you never knew about me. I'm a huge fan of Namco's FamiSta series! Have been for years excluding R.B.I Baseball because I didn't learn that was part of the series until long after I fell down the hole. After a 4 year stint on the bench however is the game's returning in Famista Returns for the 3DS. From the trailer it seems to be more of what I love about the series. The best part is taking a look at the Namco All-Star rosters to see who made it in. I'll learn these answers and more on October 8th.
I think its time you meet and become a bit more intimate with the ladies of the 2nd Season of The Very, Very Bad Girls Club!
In other news, there was Revelator Loke Test that featured Jam in preparation for the update that will include her later this month. Shouts to @notBaf0 on Twitter for translating Jam's movelist so you know what you're in for.
If you wish to have more information about the update that's coming then check out 4Gamer's coverage on this subject RIGHT HERE!
Coming soon to Fighting Climax Ignition is Tatsuya Shiba from The Irregular in Magic High School who'll be joining the cast as a playable character while his sister Miyuki Shiba will be added as an assist.
The twist here is both of these characters are already in the game in reverse roles. They'll stay in the roles they're already in but you won't be able to select them in both roles so be sure to choose your sibling of choice wisely. For more information about these characters check out the 4Gamer article HERE.
The other news is an Ignition port has been dated for December 17th in Japan for PSQUADRUPLETRIPLELIFE. What this means for the arcade version or the port of the original coming stateside is unknown at this time but I'll have the latest if anything changes on the subject.
It has been a minute since we've covered some Project X Zone 2 here on #TheCool so let us do that like we didn't miss the last hunk of news about the game.
The scans are telling. Very much so. If you look closely at it is there's something there that stands out here because of its awesomeness and importance to a time long past. While you look for that please feel free to scroll down and take a look at who's joining the crossover event and when you get done I'll have the answer you seek.
Glad you could rejoin us. Below is the answer you seek. If you can handle it!
This is the man, the myth, the legend! SEGATA SANSHIRO!!! I never thought we'd see him again in any fashion but yet here he is as a Solo Unit in the game. The level of fanservice in shots of him doing his thing in the game are insane because they reference the classic commercials in which they come from. This inclusion gives me hope that this game could have a few more surprises up its sleeves. My dream Pair Unit at the moment is Honey from Fighting Vipers and Lisa from Last Bronx. HOPE!!!!!!
Project X Zone 2: Brave New World drops in November in Japan and sometime in 2016 in places not Japan. Can't wait!
The pics came from this Famitsu article and the scans from Click said scans to see them in full resolution.
For anybody that was keeping up with it is that Koihime Enbu was supposed to drop on September 25th. The game's been delayed until November 26th I'm sad to say. The news here is the PS4 version will be using the controller driver created by the folks at Lab Zero so you can use your sticks as you see fit, Enjoy your Super Princess Puncher when it comes later this year!
I was able to fix my Pokemon Shuffle save and I'm pretty happy about it. Homebrew coming through in the clutch once again!
I finally played Dragon Ball Evolution. The game's super good but that's easy when it's a Budokai game. For the record the movie wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Not the best Dragon Ball movie ever but a decent movie in its own right.
I also played some Rival Schools 2 on PS1 because surprisingly I haven't had enough interaction with it. It's more Rival Schools and what could go wrong there? I'm going to try to create a character and see how that goes. I'll report back on it next time if I get into it.
Drive's almost over and shit's getting extra Marcus Burnett like. That's all I'm saying on the subject. These last episodes are going to deliver the goods. Ghost creeps ever closer.
As usual, I want to take the time out to thank the usual suspects for doing what it they always do! Always appreciated!
Dragon Ball: Light of Hope is a fan-made live action version of The History of Trunks and its super amazing. Robot UnderDog proves that Dragon Ball and Live Action can work.
If you like what you see and want to see more of it then check out their IndieGoGo and drop some cash that way. Alos be sure to check out their homepage, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter & Instagram for even more from Robot UnderDog!
By the by, this is how I ended up playing Dragon Ball Evolution. Full circle, baby!
DaveYard Shift and his mariachi mafia are back for more fun! Take a listen to a rendition of the Dark World theme from Link to the Past and to celebrate 5000 Subs is a medley of Gourmet Race from Kirby Super Star, Type A from Tetris and the ending theme from Super Mario World! Enjoy!
Last week I featured a video by UltraNeko in the "Before the Shift" series but this week is different. This all about MyWay. They changed the game long before there was a game to change and its a damn shame that they don't get the credit or shine for revolutionizing how the game's played. I'm glad to see after all these years that Naz & the crew are hard at work on their craft and still want to do it big. Shouts to the whole MyWay family and all my Cyber Goons!
Show them some love on Patreon, YouTube, @mywayent on Twitter & Facebook!
The formula is always at play and still works after all these years!
I'm always down to let y'all know when Treezy's on hustle detail and he's got an unknown beat-em-up for you to view called Legionnaire. Enjoy that!
You can get at Treezy on Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr
Our Throwback of the Week is just a reminder that, "If you think you've got it bad then please remember is that you always could be Yamcha!"
That'll be that for this ride!
Shouts to Fumio936 for some Jack-O love covering the train this week! ASW knew exactly where they wanted to take this character and you're staring at the proof of the concept!
If you want more art like this then be sure to check out Fumio936's Tumblr for even more like it! 18+
As usual, we thank you for riding with us! Know your patronage is much appreciated!
The train leaves the station when the time comes so be ready for it when the time comes!
Same #TheCool time! Same #TheCool channel!
-Triple Da G.O.D!
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