First thing's first...
8,000+ SUBS ON THE MAIN PAGE! 8,082 as I'm getting this out to you! This movement stays growing and for that all of you have my thanks!
In other news...
JOTKING's back for some Smash so we does that so enjoy that!
The news though is the legend, EvilFreakzilla has made his presence felt in this long Capcom vs. SNK 2 set! Just know more games are coming so be sure to stay tuned for it!
As usual, #DoaGHThaDOJO's always got what the fiends need and here's what's on deck right now...
Blazblue Chrono Phantasma, Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, Persona 4 The Ultimax: Ultra Suplex Hold, Guilty Gear Xrd, Blade Arcus from Shining, Fighting Layer, Arcana Heart 3 Love Max: SIX STARS!!!!!!, The King of Fighters XI, Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe & Power Instinct 5!
Folks that were waiting for TvC to make that comeback is that I can gladly exclaim that your wait is over! We just had to shine that light elsewhere for a minute is all!
And it wouldn't be a party if Fate/Unlimited Codes didn't make a special appearance so here's all the the Rin & Unlimited Blade Works you can handle!
Fiends served! This Week in Everything, do that thing you do so well!
Beowulf's out for Skullgirls now and he's free until some point in July so get him everywhere ASAP! 360, PSTRIPLE & STEAM!
Speaking of, coming soon is Robo Fortune! Same deal as all the others and when the time comes I'll let you know the when and where!
3 days after #DayoftheBasedGOD is J-Stars Victory VS+ will be out in MURICA so be sure to get your copy!
Speaking of J-Stars is here's a new look at One Piece Pirate Warriors 3.
The Waifu War is coming and nobody's safe! Nitro+ Blasterz: Heroines' Infinite Duel coming soon to #DoaGHThaDOJO!
The Loke Test for Dissidia Arcade has come and gone with another one this upcoming week but if you want to learn the basics and see some matches then the above should cover the bases for you!
Super Time Force Ultra is coming soon to PSQUADRUPLELIFE and coming with it are some exclusive characters as with all the other versions of the game thus far. For this version joining @Yosp is Sir Galahad from The Order, 1886 and the main character from Journey as well.
2 days before #DayoftheBasedGOD is Persona 4 will be Dancing All Night. Just a reminder.
Coming soon to the 3DS in GLORIOUS NIPPON is the sequel to Downtown Special and if that confuses you then just know it was the first real sequel to River City Ransom. I really need to get a JP New 3DS so I can play these games. I've gotten the opportunity to play some of the previous games in this series which were updates to Renegade & River City Ransom respectively which are awesome for keeping the spirit of those games alive but expanding on them in a cool way. There's also a gaiden game to the update to RCR starring Riki/Ryan & the fantasy game that looks super awesome as well. I just wanted to let the streets know that these games exist and it would seem neither Arc System Works USA or Aksys aren't interested in brining them over so its up to you to do the leg work in getting in on this goodness. Good luck!
Speaking of the 3DS...
The 3D Classics Series by M2 is getting some new titles!
July brings us my favorite SEGA game of all the times in Streets of Rage 2! M2 is supposed to be doing something special with this one having to do with using all 4 characters in a single run of the game. That should be interesting!
August brings us what could be #2 on that list with The Revenge of Shinobi in the Treasure classic, Gunstar Heroes!
I hear the streets clamoring for a toggle between Free & Fixed Shot Mode as something they want but they fail to forget about the differences that go beyond how you shoot. What will M2 do to make a classic even better? Can't wait to find out!
September is Sonic 2. This should be interesting just for the Special Stages. No idea if Knuckles will be in tow but I don't think M2 would leave that on the table but we shall see!
If you want to know more about these titles then read the blog post from HERE!
If you have a Japanese 3DS then use the QR Code to download the demo for Dragon Ball Z: Super Extreme Butoden. Your first chance to play with Super Saiyan God Goku SS! Allegdely, there's a code to have Super Saiyan God Vegeta SS as an assist character but I'll leave that for you to find!
Returning from All-Star Battle to join Eyes of Heaven is Koichi Hirose and his stand Echoes and joining him is newcomer Yukako Yamagishi and her stand Love Deluxe both from Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. If you look closely at the scan is 2 other characters are confirmed as well. Who are they?
I'd like to thank ShonenGamez for their awesome work in translating both scans. If you wish you can click either one to be taken to the page where they came from!
What Did I Get Into This Week?
I've been playing a lot of The Battle of Yu Yu Hakusho over the weekend and there's a lot to be discussed about that game but there are some games that I've done the research on that need to be dealt with first and they will be. Expect me to do what I do when #TripleDaGODExplainsItAll really soon on this and other subjects!
All of the usual suspects went dumb but as we're closing in on the end of seasons you can expect nothing less than that pure hamsterdom from everybody! I thank you all especially Sailor Moon Crystal treating my favorite part of the series with the respect, dignity and hilarity that moment deserved!
Let us bring another installment to a close! What I Watched on the Internet This Week please do what you does the bestest!
Congrats to you lil brother on #100! Here's to a thousand more! You can get at Treezy on Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr
Happy 25th Anniversary, Fire Emblem!
Steven Universe & Uncle Grandpa crossover once again to save us all from the true menace!
Cookie Lyon X Cookie Monster? YES, PLEASE!
If it ever dawned on you why certain characters in Skullgirls are the way they are then let Mike Z explain exactly why that is.
That shall be that for now!
All hail the true waifu, Shion Uzuki! HAIL HER!
I'd like to thank BoKuman for his wonderful tribute to THE waifu! :) Please don't tell the others because they will be pissed!
If you'd like to see more then clicking the picture will take you to the location on deviantArt where this originated or just hit up BoKuman's Patreon, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter & Instagram for a whole bunch more! 18+!
As usual, we thank you for coming by and we invite to the next one so be sure to join us then!
Same #TheCool time! Same #TheCool channel!
-Triple Da G.O.D!
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