Monday, March 16, 2015


#TheCool's in the building and as usual have last week all ready to be served straight to you.

Before we get into the business at hand a couple of things of note.

Super Metroid is on an indefinite hiatus until Nintendo figures out what they want to do about YouTube and all that goes with it. The last video I put up was a test to see if Nintendo would even catch it and do something about it and as of now they've done nothing. As much as I want to continue is that I don't want to take that chance and think I'm safe from the wrath and catch a bad one because of it. This is also the reason why it took so long between the last 2 episodes was because every time I was ready to do an episode I'd always catch wind of Nintendo making a move and it just completely killed my momentum in doing it. As soon as I know the coast is clear is that I'll be back on it. This does change #DayoftheBasedGOD plans a little bit but I'm the planning stages of a backup plan so you'll just have to wait until then to see what comes from this.

The Diary of a Game Whore Archive channel is about to be updated and because YouTube has changed how you get the message out to your subscribers is that I'd figure I warn everybody. The last time I did a mass exodus update is folks unsubscribed in droves even though the warning was given in advance. That was for the main channel though but I have to prove I've learned from my mistakes. I don't know when that work is going to begin but I plan for it to be done before #DayoftheBasedGOD so be expecting that.

I've started to overhaul old blog entries especially from the last 2 years or so. How Blogger works when embedding and my improvement in using it have made it better looking so I want to have streamline that look for the whole blog. I haven't quite finished yet but if you want to drift back to 2012 when this all started then feel free to look back at it. It was a trip for me to see what I used to use this blog for then compared to its use to me now. Some cringy things there but improvement makes you cringe as it should because it shows you how much you've grown and that's what's important.

Also I'm helping out Behemothbear with his The Fighting Game Movelist Compendium Project and if you want to know more then hit him up on Twitter @Behemothbear if you have any questions or want to help out.

With all that out of the way is as usual #DoaGHThaDOJO always has what the fiends need and here's what on deck right now!

Aquapazza Aquaplus Dream Match, En Eins Perfektwelt, Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf.Achse, Chaos Breaker, Koihime Embusen, Blade Arcus from Shining, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe, Persona 4 The Ultimax: Ultra Suplex Hold, Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm, Blazblue Chrono Phantasma & Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code!

Subbing in this week for TvC is Hokuto no Ken! SOMEBODY'S ALREADY DEAD!

Fiends served! This Week In Everything, do what you best!

Coming soon to MURICA & EUROPA is both Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson on 3DS & Onechambara Z2 Chaos on PS4! XSEED is doing that based work so be sure to get out there and get some Life, Hometown & Sexy Bikini Zombie Slayers!

Johnny Cage & Sonya Blade are joining their progeny Cassie Cage in Mortal Kombat X. In other news, Jason Vorhees is joining the roster as the game's first guest character. Hopefully they get Freddy back for not only the no duh reason but I think that variations for both characters could be interesting given their lore. Game drops on April 14th.

Last Round is back with the Ninja Clan 2 Costume Set featuring Leifang, Helena, Momiji, Phase-4, Nyotengu, Jann Lee, Jacky, Bayman, Raidou, and Zack. You can pick this up for $14.99 on PS4 & 360 and $14.49 on XBONE. The PS3 costumes and set have been delayed until later this week so be watching out for that.

Also in the streets now is DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition for PS4BONE so if you like things at 60FPS then give it a look.

SEGA X Game Freak = Tembo The Badass Elephant! This game looks super fun and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one.

Coming soon to Maxi Boost is Trowa Barton in XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Kai & Duo Maxwell in the XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell!

With J-Stars Victory VS+ on the way is here are 3 battles from the game featuring Tatsumi Oga/Baby Beel vs Taro Yamada, Goku vs Frieza & Arale Norimaki vs Luckyman.

Type-0 HD will be in the streets on the 17th so for now enjoy some more footage from the game.

Coming on the 26th to GLORIOUS NIPPON is Estival Versus on PSQUADRUPLELIFE! Enjoy even more Life & Hometown!

HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY WAYFORWARD! To celebrate the occasion there's a huge sale and below is all you need to know. My suggestion to cop everything you see! It is nothing but goodness so celebrate the occasion!

PSN (3/10-3/17, North America)
Mighty Flip Champs! DX (PSP, PS3, PSVita) – FREE (For Playstation Plus members Only!)

iOS (3/12/-3/19, Worldwide)
Shantae: Risky’s Revenge, Full Version (iOS) – FREE
Mighty Switch Force! Hose It Down! (iOS) – 50% off

Steam (3/12/-3/19, Worldwide)
Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut (Steam) – 75% off

Nintendo 3DS eShop (3/12/-3/19, North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand)
Mighty Switch Force! (3DS) – 75% off
Mighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS) – 75% off
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (3DS) – 25% off

Nintendo Wii U eShop (3/12/-3/19, North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand)
Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition (Wii U) – 75% off
Mighty Switch Force! 2 (Wii U) – 75% off
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (Wii U) – 25% off

What Did I Get Into This Week?

I found out that Fighting is Magic still lives on in Premium Edition and so much work has been done and planned for the future. Looks good from what I've played and if you want to check it out then click HERE!

I played a bunch of Tobal 2 for reasons that shall soon become apparent.

After making that NeoWave video it did remind me that it is my favorite version of 2002 with a great soundtrack to boot and that's mainly thanks to not having all those MAX Mode shenanigans that I've never been a fan of. The Mode Select System gives the game a totally different feel to something familiar. Go play it if you haven't.

Banshee Season 3 has come to a close and it delivered those goods like I know it should! Best finale so far and it leaves so much open for Season 4 to work with. Can't wait until January!

The Internet sort of spoiled the big event of Gravity Falls so I took in a marathon of the first 11 and man I'm glad I did. Still an awesome show and a must watch in my opinion. If only the scheduling of the show didn't suck.

Drive upgraded to Type Formula and that'll probably lead into his final powerup in a couple of episodes. They'll hopefully be turning a corner on the Chase storyline and actually finishing it in the next couple of episodes as well so the show can move past it into what we already know is going to happen.

The usual suspects delivered the goods with all the usual suspects delivering the goods like always with Once Upon a Time & Black Sails being the standouts.

The Originals & The Vampire Diaries made their returns last week killing it as it should with The Flash & Arrow being back in the rotation this week and it should be no breaks for any show until the season's over. So glad for that!

Empire has been going in from the start and with the finale coming this week is its only going to get even crazier! You'll know the final verdict next time.

Dino Charge is getting better by the episode. Check back next week for another report. I have a feeling they'll all be like this.

Let us bring this installment to a close! What I Watched On The Internet This Week please do the rest!

A classic from an age long past. The story of why you can't find this video on YouTube is a legend all its own. Just enjoy it for the hilarity!

Another throwback classic I randomly came across this week. Enjoy as well this relic from a past age.

A new installment of The Mark Remark.

If you need 2 more reasons to by OutRun 3D on the eShop then here are the new added tracks Crusin Line and Camino a Mi Amor for your listening pleasure.

My folks Treezy is on the move again with this runback of that other greatest game of all time in Streets of Rage 2. You can get at him on Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr.

Do I know what this is? Yes! Am I semi-responsible for it? Yes! Will there be more in the future? You better believe it! More info on this soon.

That shall be that for now!

Shouts to Shadman for this awesome Wendy & friends pic and you can click said pic to be taken to its source. You click that picture knowing where you're going. 18+ or ask your folks!

As usual, we thank you for coming to kick it with us for a bit and be sure to come back next week for this week!

Same #TheCool time! Same #TheCool channel!

-Triple Da G.O.D!

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