#TheCool back up in it on this Tuesday and it'll be the final Tuesday edition because I'm back to normal working conditions!!! HURRAY!!! To quote someone famous, "YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE!!!" I won't go off the deep end and say crazy shit like, "I believe in humanity" or something like that because I'm staying cynical. It's just me! You're reading the thoughts of THE CHAOTIC NEUTRAL! You've learned something new today. Anyhow, I'm just happy & blessed to have things in normal working order so I don't have to go through the craziness to do what it is I do best. I do want to thank those who've did what they do while the technical difficulties were a thing and I'll be making sure that things stay as they are now and don't falter back at all. And with these words we head to PT and while I'm still prepping work for everybody is that #DoaGHThaDOJO went nuts by getting caught up with all the major games you expect and everything else will be getting caught up by the next installment of #TheCool.
On deck right now...
Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late, Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!, Project Justice, Daemon Bride Additional Gain, Chaos Breaker, The King of Fighters XI, Sengoku Basara X & Samurai Shodown 64!
Like I said I'll be catching up for a while so you never know when a huge drop will come so it'd be in your best interest to stay tuned. With that out of the way, time for This Week In Gaming.
We talked about these DoA5U costumes in the last installment but what you should know is that if you're rocking the PS3 version and buy one of the Tecmo Bowl costumes or the whole set is that you get Tecmo Bowl Throwback for free while the deal lasts. So be sure to at least check it out because a free game for a single costume is a great deal I do have to say.
This is Final Exam which is a sequel to the ObsCure games and from what I've seen is a great beat-em-up that you may want to check out when you get a chance.
Hatsune Miku is coming to the Vita in Project Diva f. More Miku, More Stuff!
Soul Calibur 2 HD is out next week but for now enjoy Ivy vs Nightmare.
The DLC for Muramasa Rebirth is coming out in Japan soon which means it coming to MURICA soon as well. Took long enough!
Legend of Raven is coming to the PS4 & #XBONE with GGPO at some point. Why? Seeing as this is the old version of the game you can readily get on PC for less that $10 and enjoy it right now. Do that. Do that.
Allegedly we'll get some answers to this cryptic trailer this week. I'll keep my thoughts to myself until some official confirmation comes.
Aquapazza is next week so this trailer should ease you until you get your fix next week.
The sadness is back but it comes with the warmth of awesome. Sengoku Basara 4 comes soon!
Want to know what else comes out next week, SENRAN KAGURA BURST! I expect everybody to buy 50 copies so Versus drops here too. I'm counting on you! Support Life & Hometown in Your Hood!
The extended version of the Highschool DxD trailer because I know you want it. Still don't know how the actual game works but when Rias Gremory is involved is it really that important? Didn't think so.
Because of the what used to be a problem was I didn't get a chance to get some gaming in but this'll be changing this week. So far all I've done is randomly play Regulation A because I wanted to make sure my PS2 was still working and it is. Very well so. There's a game I'm currently researching that I'll be sharing soon and now that we're back to normal working order is that I'll be getting to finish SMB2 if my schedule wishes to work with me. Let us hope!
I was able to catch up on all the usual suspects however I did pick up another show I'm in the middle of a marathon in Once Upon A Time. I heard about the show but didn't pay attention to the advice and I'm nice and deep into the story and given the premise is very good. Luckily for me there's plenty for me to watch to catch up so I'll be in and out of this for awhile.
Super Hero Taisen Z. The SHT movies are filled with so much promise but it seems to always comes up short. I enjoyed watching it but I know it can be better. I enjoy the crossover team-up premise but it needs to be more honed in and focused to make it better. The end of the movie is setting up something but what that happens to be we'll find out in a couple of months.
In mentioning the usual suspects is that nothing is letting up and because of spoilers I dare not mention it because you should be watching it too. There are some shows I need to catch up on and I hope I get a chance to fit it all in. Will this happen? Tune in next week and find out!
With that, What I Watched On YouTube This Week!
Sonic & the crew are still on the hunt for The Creator via those crazy clues and they run into an old friend on the way.
Question of the week. If I told you there was an Internet Explorer anime would you believe me?
When mastery is what you truly seek then no entity can stop you unless you yourself decide to stop. A proverb.
I don't if I've ever told you guys how much I LOVE watching KoF '95. One of my guilty pleasures to be honest.
IT'S HAPPENING!!! PPG REUNION!!! HURRAH!!! Super awesome panel from Comikaze. And new PPG coming soon! Can't wait.
And that will be that.
This installment of #TheCool is celebrating an important milestone though!
As you can see with this lovely screencap, I'M OVER 3000!!! 3,021 as this is being written! This happened Saturday night and I'm so proud. I know in truth numbers are as only important as the emphasis we give them and I know that it'll always be quality over quantity but I'm proud of my growth and plan to keep growing and I'm blessed to have those who support me & what I do right there as I do that. You'd be surprised at the weird milestones I screencap for screencap reasons. I may need to get around to sharing those soon.
Now get outta here! Anything odd pending we'll be back to Mondays as normal next time you read one of these so be prepared! As usual thanks for crawling around in my thoughts for a spell and we'll see you next time! Until then!
-Triple Da G.O.D!
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