Thursday, November 28, 2013

#DoaBHReviewEdition: Soul Calibur 2 HD Online (XBLA/PSN)

This may be the easiest review I've done so far seeing as we're talking about the Super Pretty Internet Enabled Edition of one of the greatest fighting games ever which just so happens to be a sequel to one of the other greatest fighting games ever!

For $20 you're getting the 75% MURICA Console Version Experience of SC2. Which means every single legitimate playable character who was in any version of the game except for some version of Link. You'd think as much as I research these things I'd have an answer for you but I don't. And surprisingly enough the internet is arguing this. When they get an answer I'll let you know.

Anyway, this is a must get and a reason to retire your PS2 & OG XBOX versions of the game for the most part. If you search around you can still get some cool out of the original versions via some hacks & custom costumes for the OG XBOX version if that floats you. You'll be wanting to hold on to your Gamecube version however until the possibility of the WiiU version being the version that features all of the guest characters and the reason some people are holding out on buying what's available now.

The one thing I do want to applaud Namco on is not having everything unlocked from the jump or a way to purchase all of that stuff. Unlocking the majority of the collection items are attached to achievements/trophies so it does incentivize doing it the old school way. Which I did 3 times on all 3 systems over the span of the console versions existing. I would've appreciated a mode that temporarily unlocks everything mainly for tournament settings and casual romps which more games should do.

The game looks sexy, feels great and I heard good things about the netcode so your investment should pay back in your enjoyment of a classic!

The only "complaint" if I can even levy it as one is that the Dual Audio didn't make the game and there's no way to access by the usual means of switching the language of your system as you can do with other games. I'd assume that this was a space saving measure but having the option should've been available. Not having such a feature doesn't take away from the overall package but some would use not having JP voice overs as a reason to skip the game entirely and it does also explain why I spent 5 minutes looking for the option and never finding it. From a historical standpoint is that this is one of the 1st games I remember actually having the option to choose. Not having it just happens to be a small compromise for all the good the game does overall and maybe if you make enough noise it'll become DLC & maybe featured in that WiiU port the streets want so badly.

If you're going to cop it on my word then please do. If you're waiting for a discount then I pray for you to have paitence until that time arrives. Either way, BUY THIS!!! Soul Calibur 2 is a masterpiece of a game and I'm happy that more will get a chance to experience one of the genre's best even better than ever!

THE TALES OF SOULS & SOULS WILL HOPEFULLY CONTINUE IN SOUL CALIBUR 3 HD ARCADE EDITION ONLINE! As long as Capcom shows love and lets Dante get in as it should've been and KOS-MOS as an official guest character! NAMCO, PLOX!! And having it be a hybrid of the console & arcade versions wouldn't hurt either. #TeamLiLong

Ummm...go buy this already! Please & Thank You!

-Triple Da G.O.D!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

#TheCool: Princess Twilight Sparkle's Killer Instinct Persona

#TheCool as usual ready to take the lead and show you last week from the only view that matters...MINE!!! 168 hours of goodness that's ripe and ready for the recap. So if you're ready then so am I!

Just as last week we talked about the release of the #PSQUADRUPLE we now take some time to talk about the #XBONE release and my thoughts of Next-Gen can wait for a while still ring true...except for my wanton need for Killer Instinct. The thing is that I know that if I had the cash I could see Killer Instinct being that game that justifies that purchase. Even then however there's the additional things like getting a new TV because both systems are HDMI only now. Getting a new TV however is something that should've been done years ago and it may be time to do that seeing as both systems aren't perfect out of the gate which always justifies my wait and all those issues with the RROD & my issues with both companies on other issues are things that I do take into consideration. Simply put is that if I had to choose one to get now it would be the #XBONE just to play Killer Instinct! End of the day is that I'll have them all. I'm just waiting for Smash & Bayonetta 2 on WiiU before I go out and get one. And the #PSQUADRUPLE needs an actual game worth playing before I consider even worth the purchase. Never thought after all of that I'd at the right now want an #XBONE before a #PSQUADRUPLE! This is a reality that is the reality at the moment. Should be interesting to watch this "war" play out.

Speaking of "wars," PT's here and I haven't done something but #DoaGHThaDOJO is always providing crack. Been a slow motion week but we always strive to provide what you need. This week...

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code V1.07, Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late & Project Justice are what you can get cracked out on this week. This'll be another catch up week and we'll have a new game on the channel as well and we'll be talking about said game in a bit.

For now let us get into This Week In Gaming!

I'm so glad to see my hype for Killer Instinct not only come full circle and see that people are enjoying the game. When this was announced at E3 is that I went nuts and my hype in overdrive with no evidence of the final product and I did so with no care in the world. I still haven't played the game and I don't see that happening for a while yet so if you get it then enjoy it one time for your boy. The other side of all this is Spinal & Fulgore will be joining the cast for the 1st Season of content and more content depends on how the game is supported with money. So support it with money. Simple.

If you ignore Persona news then maybe you didn't know that there was a countdown that ended yesterday that actually delivered news about the series. The 1st part of that news that Ultra Suplex Hold will be in arcades on the 28th and #DoaGHThaDOJO will be covering the game as soon as matches are available so be sure to keep an eye out and will be on PS3 next summer.

Persona 4 Dancing All Night. It is what the title describes it to be. It works like the Hatsune Miku games. What songs from the series and if other games in the series will be included is unknown at this time.

Persona Q: Shadows of the Labyrinth is the chibi crossover game you may or may not have wanted. Mainly the P3 & 4 cast have been confirmed and if it is canon to any series is unknown as well. Seems interesting anyhow.

And the big boom announcement of Persona 5. A very cryptic trailer that hints to the game's core values but nothing other than that. I'll be keeping an eye on it.

Been a big week for Ultra Street Fighter 4 with the first Loke Test and the release of some videos that show off the Supers & Ultras of the 4 new characters. It was good to see that Capcom remembered that Final Fight Revenge exists and Elena has Healing as an Ultra. Will be no reason not to play her in Double Ultra mode unless Brave Dance is just more powerful solo. I'm getting more excited for the release of Ultra as more is found out about the changes and new features. We'll see if this feeling stands when it comes out.

YOU BOUGHT DAT AQUAPAZZA YET NIGGA!!!???!?!?!?!!? If you didn't then I suggest you do or else...

Same can be said for Saint Seiya: Brave Soliders. Only if you want to however.

DoA5U has a new costume pack with casual clothes for some of the characters with more packs to come later on and Marie Rose is coming to the console versions but when that is the case is unknown at the moment.

EF-12 is finally out in English and you can get your hands on it via Playism! Have fun creating shit and share it if you want!

Question of the week. How does a shooter gets retooled into a Virtual Novel? Liberation Maiden Sin looks to answer that question very soon on PS3.

Time for our Profound Sadness Moment with Sengoku Basara 4 and we're getting closer to this party becoming a reality. Learn about leveling and how the warriors make their way to the battlefield.

While this installment was coming together the 1st trailer for the new Deception game dropped and its looking pretty good. I'll be keeping an eye on it as well so stay tuned for more.

As far as how I got my gaming in is that I finally got over that Marvel vs Capcom: Origins bug which then led to me playing some KoF '95 (O. Rugal, Iori & Terry) during a long ride somewhere this week. I was able to try some of those wild combos I see when I watch match vids of the game. Pretty cool feeling if I do say so myself. I wonder will I ever be able to get into those games that I really want to?

As you see by our title is that MLP is back for Season 4 and after wondering how they would handle this Princess thing is that the fact is that they handled that Princess thing. They've set up this season to be really interesting and the possible promise of the same old, same old not being what this season is about at all. When the smoke clears at the end we'll see if I feel the same way.

The usual suspects are doing what they do with South Park, Revolution & The Vampire Diaries standing out this week. Not to say everything else isn't doing work but those 3 in their way are doing the job of keeping me entertained and I just wanted to let you know of these events because that's what we do here or something like that.

I've gotten deeper into Once Upon A Time and it's damn good as well. I'm glad my choice of getting into it is paying off and it doesn't seem to be falling off anytime soon. At least I hope not.

I guess I could use that into a segue What I Watched On YouTube This Week!

SFH's still on the quest to find the Creator and they meet up with a couple of versions of an old friend and help them the Sonic for Hire way!

A double fix of Nigga Turtles! These videos are nuts! Just trust me!

Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game! Outside of this video I learned something new about the history of Street Fighter. We'll be discussing this fact soon!

That hypothesis still holds up. What hypothesis? That hypothesis!

That's that. As usual we thank you for spending some time with us! We appreciate the company!

This is what happens when you want to create a Orchid motif for the fan page. Bumped into these pics and I had no choice but to use them this week and let them be the inspiration for this week's title. That's Dash in #3 but it is Orchid's new costume so I'll let it rock. The internet and the beings who inhabit it! #TEAMPINKIEPIE

Now I'm gone for real. For all my Google+ family, YouTube forced me to make a page and I've decided to use it so you can click the link to find me over there. Triple Da G.O.D! on Google+. I will say Google needs to be ashamed of themselves for wanting to shoehorn G+ into everything and their obsession to know more about me than I do. I just want to get paid and nothing more than that. So let's keep it business OK, Google! A nigga still misses pre-Google Youtube when you could find anything and search through your favorites! BRING DAT SHIT BACK!!

Speaking of Google and all their "amazing" services is that I want to shout out my family over on SoDisenfranchised for making the top 200 blogs on Blogger last week. Congrats and much more success to y'all over there!! Click the picture below or HERE to check them out!

I'm done for real real, not for play play! Enjoy your week and I'll be back to wrap up that one next time we do this! Until then!

-Triple Da G.O.D!

P.S: #FUCKFAMILYGUY! Or I'm not really sure. I'll give it a chance! Seems the fair thing to do.

Monday, November 18, 2013

#TheCool: PSQUADRUPLE'S Radiant Heroic Harmonic Convergence Of Life & Hometown

#TheCool's back to our normal Monday schedule!!! Took a bit to get here BUT DAMN IT FEELS SOOOOOO GOOOODDDD!!! Anyhow, I know you're just as ready as I am to see the last 144 hours from my point of view so let us do that.

I guess we can tackle our title this week seeing as Next-Gen is "officially" here with the PS4 dropping last Friday. And after doing my research & watching the Giant Bomb stream is that I'm glad as usual I skipped launch. To be honest I've never been involved in purchasing stuff at launch before and that's not changing anytime soon. The last time a launch looked good enough to be a part of Day 1 was the US PS2 Launch mainly because of Tekken Tag & Street Fighter EX3. Thinking about launch lineups is that they never have anything to justify what they're asking for anyway and while I could buy a shiny box to stare at is that same money could be invested in something else. Which is something I'm planning to do anyway. More when it happens. I'll be getting a PS4. When it's worth getting. As far as the #XBONE is concerned is that you'll have to wait for the next installment of #TheCool to hear my thoughts which you can easily guess at. Gotta give you a reason to tune in next time.

With some of our title explained there seems no better time than to step into PT. Still need some me time to actually produce something but as usual #DoaGHThaDOJO is bringing that heat! On deck right now...

Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness, Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late, Chaos Code: NeSiCa, Shin Koihime Musou, Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!! & Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match to get you ready for the release on Tuesday!

I do want take the time to welcome back an old game that was and will continue to be a stable in the goodness always brought to you...Melty Blood!

Now Melty Blood & I have had a weird relationship when it comes to providing goodness. When I still uploading match videos to the main channel is that MB was something I always striven to have a home for no matter what until SEGA came knocking around the time Vanilla Actress Again came out in Arcades and went to town on those videos stopping me from doing my other work. So I complied with what they wanted and took the videos down and stopped mirroring them. A while back I wanted to get back into uploading MB but I saw that the hole I left was filled by multiple people and I appreciated that so I let them do what they did and focused on other games that needed the attention. I recently found out that a lot of those same people I left it to stopped uploading matches for whatever reason and this prompted the response to bring it back and give it a thriving home again. How long this will continue is anybody's guess. As long as SEGA doesn't come near & those who were doing it continue not to then I will! So welcome back Melty with open arms. It'll be here with us for a while. Please enjoy!

And with doing the right thing for the sake of a game I love with all my heart; It's time for This Week In Gaming!

We should talk about the 4th part of our title this week as a reminder that Senran Kagura Burst is out for $30 on the Nintendo e-Shop. Make sure you accept the word of Life & Hometown in your life! Thanks So Much!

Speaking of the awesome that small packages can sometime bring is that we found out who that exclusive arcade character is for DoA5U Arcade...Marie Rose. A "18 Year Old" Systema fighter! I write this stuff but I'm not responsible for what I write about. I just write about it. Marie Rose is the loli DoA always needed and now we have it. Everything she does is cute and that's a win for me. FLYING PEACH!!!

Shouts to Loketesuto for providing a whole bunch of footage from that Loketest with a lot of Marie Rose action! Please enjoy!

Speaking of games in the arcades is that the official trailer for UNIB EXE:Late. Where's my Filia? I hope that French-Bread and Lab Zero make that happen.

Soul Calibur 2 HD is out this upcoming week. 19th on PSN & 20th on XBLA! Swords, souls, guest characters & burning.

Speaking of Soul Calibur is that Lost Swords just finished its 1st Beta and I haven't seen anything about it and the game shall be out soon. And Sophie's back so I can hold out hope for Cassie. We shall see.

If you waited to play Injustice is that now you pick up the game with the majority of the DLC. Quite a deal if you're getting into it or the $10 upgrade for the PS4 version. Time for that MK10!!

Some things. Full Boost comes out on the 30th of January. The Nobel Gundam is God Gundam's Boost Assist which probably means I'm forever playing Next Plus on PSP to get my Allenby fix. This is a sad day. A very sad day. But Allenby & Domon do HEAT END!!! So...kinda sorta forgiven?!

I playfully weighed in on the Snake VA controversy when it was a hot button issue but this exclusive PlayStation Deja Vu DLC is just turning the knife and that I can admit. I appreciate the thought but maybe a bit too soon. I haven't really heard too much backlash about it but I haven't gone looking either and I won't. I will assume that the same people that were salty before are salty now. And there's a peek into how missions change depending on the parameters as well. That's worth a look too.

And while this installment was being written was some wonderful news has come to us. X & X-2 HD will be dropping in MURICA on March 18th. The thing is that there isn't any confirmation on if or when the Vita version is dropping so I'll be awaiting that news as well. Looks like I know when I'll be back to my Rikku motif. AWESOME!!!

I didn't get into too much gaming on my own this week other than this weird urge to play Marvel vs Capcom 1 which I'm still trying to get over. And to think it all started because I needed to charge my controller to play Xenosaga 3. We'll see how long it lasts.

When it comes to what I watched I will say after Korra was back and forth that the finale brought the heat and I'm so ready for whatever is next for the show. And whatever that shall be will be good. This part for the record is what the 3rd part of this week's title is referencing.

Everything else is going as hamster as usual with what they do. I wish I could tell you more about how The Originals, Revolution, The Vampire Diaries, Kill la Kill, Kyoryuger (2nd part of our title this week), Gaim & all of Animation Domination is doing work but you'd know this if you were watching it too. This is a thing that happened!

I have some marathons that await me and I might be able to find the time to fit those in. I hope. You'll know when I do.

And as we usually wrap these parties up, What I Watched On YouTube This Week!

Looks like all those clues were complete bullshit. Sonic & Friends need to find their way on the right path and there's only one way to do that!

After a 2 year absence, The Shiznewz is back. Julio Estrada Debris & Dick Out Dave bring the "news" that matters to you. I guess. And that intro beat is still that business!

I don't know how I missed last week's ERB but you get a doubleheader reminder of sorts. Miley Cyrus vs Joan of Arc & Bob Ross vs Pablo Picasso. BEGIN!!

Within a 6 hour block of time you can learn life lessons. Like respect. Let T.O.M tell you how it is! REAL TOONAMI TALK!

Question of the week. What you know about having those hands laid on you by those chosen by The Lord? If you don't know then now you shall!

And that'll be that for this installment of #TheCool!

Needed a reminder that Senran Kagura Burst is available all around our world which is wrapped in the most happiest of boobs!? You got one right now! GO GET SENRAN KAGURA BURST IF YOU HAVE A 3DS IN WHICH TO DO SO!! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!

Feels good to be back on the Monday side of things and Melty Blood is back in fold so to say I'M WINNING is an understatement! As usual I appreciate that you come kick it with me and the thoughts in my head and we'll be back with another installment whenever another is ready for us to be back with! Until next time!

-Triple Da G.O.D!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

#TheCool: Full Power Critical Mass 3000

#TheCool back up in it on this Tuesday and it'll be the final Tuesday edition because I'm back to normal working conditions!!! HURRAY!!! To quote someone famous, "YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE!!!" I won't go off the deep end and say crazy shit like, "I believe in humanity" or something like that because I'm staying cynical. It's just me! You're reading the thoughts of THE CHAOTIC NEUTRAL! You've learned something new today. Anyhow, I'm just happy & blessed to have things in normal working order so I don't have to go through the craziness to do what it is I do best. I do want to thank those who've did what they do while the technical difficulties were a thing and I'll be making sure that things stay as they are now and don't falter back at all. And with these words we head to PT and while I'm still prepping work for everybody is that #DoaGHThaDOJO went nuts by getting caught up with all the major games you expect and everything else will be getting caught up by the next installment of #TheCool.

On deck right now...

Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late, Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!, Project Justice, Daemon Bride Additional Gain, Chaos Breaker, The King of Fighters XI, Sengoku Basara X & Samurai Shodown 64!

Like I said I'll be catching up for a while so you never know when a huge drop will come so it'd be in your best interest to stay tuned. With that out of the way, time for This Week In Gaming.

We talked about these DoA5U costumes in the last installment but what you should know is that if you're rocking the PS3 version and buy one of the Tecmo Bowl costumes or the whole set is that you get Tecmo Bowl Throwback for free while the deal lasts. So be sure to at least check it out because a free game for a single costume is a great deal I do have to say.

This is Final Exam which is a sequel to the ObsCure games and from what I've seen is a great beat-em-up that you may want to check out when you get a chance.

Hatsune Miku is coming to the Vita in Project Diva f. More Miku, More Stuff!

Soul Calibur 2 HD is out next week but for now enjoy Ivy vs Nightmare.

The DLC for Muramasa Rebirth is coming out in Japan soon which means it coming to MURICA soon as well. Took long enough!

Legend of Raven is coming to the PS4 & #XBONE with GGPO at some point. Why? Seeing as this is the old version of the game you can readily get on PC for less that $10 and enjoy it right now. Do that. Do that.

Allegedly we'll get some answers to this cryptic trailer this week. I'll keep my thoughts to myself until some official confirmation comes.

Aquapazza is next week so this trailer should ease you until you get your fix next week.

The sadness is back but it comes with the warmth of awesome. Sengoku Basara 4 comes soon!

Want to know what else comes out next week, SENRAN KAGURA BURST! I expect everybody to buy 50 copies so Versus drops here too. I'm counting on you! Support Life & Hometown in Your Hood!

The extended version of the Highschool DxD trailer because I know you want it. Still don't know how the actual game works but when Rias Gremory is involved is it really that important? Didn't think so.

Because of the what used to be a problem was I didn't get a chance to get some gaming in but this'll be changing this week. So far all I've done is randomly play Regulation A because I wanted to make sure my PS2 was still working and it is. Very well so. There's a game I'm currently researching that I'll be sharing soon and now that we're back to normal working order is that I'll be getting to finish SMB2 if my schedule wishes to work with me. Let us hope!

I was able to catch up on all the usual suspects however I did pick up another show I'm in the middle of a marathon in Once Upon A Time. I heard about the show but didn't pay attention to the advice and I'm nice and deep into the story and given the premise is very good. Luckily for me there's plenty for me to watch to catch up so I'll be in and out of this for awhile.

Super Hero Taisen Z. The SHT movies are filled with so much promise but it seems to always comes up short. I enjoyed watching it but I know it can be better. I enjoy the crossover team-up premise but it needs to be more honed in and focused to make it better. The end of the movie is setting up something but what that happens to be we'll find out in a couple of months.

In mentioning the usual suspects is that nothing is letting up and because of spoilers I dare not mention it because you should be watching it too. There are some shows I need to catch up on and I hope I get a chance to fit it all in. Will this happen? Tune in next week and find out!

With that, What I Watched On YouTube This Week!

Sonic & the crew are still on the hunt for The Creator via those crazy clues and they run into an old friend on the way.

Question of the week. If I told you there was an Internet Explorer anime would you believe me?

When mastery is what you truly seek then no entity can stop you unless you yourself decide to stop. A proverb.

I don't if I've ever told you guys how much I LOVE watching KoF '95. One of my guilty pleasures to be honest.

IT'S HAPPENING!!! PPG REUNION!!! HURRAH!!! Super awesome panel from Comikaze. And new PPG coming soon! Can't wait.

And that will be that.

This installment of #TheCool is celebrating an important milestone though!

As you can see with this lovely screencap, I'M OVER 3000!!! 3,021 as this is being written! This happened Saturday night and I'm so proud. I know in truth numbers are as only important as the emphasis we give them and I know that it'll always be quality over quantity but I'm proud of my growth and plan to keep growing and I'm blessed to have those who support me & what I do right there as I do that. You'd be surprised at the weird milestones I screencap for screencap reasons. I may need to get around to sharing those soon.

Now get outta here! Anything odd pending we'll be back to Mondays as normal next time you read one of these so be prepared! As usual thanks for crawling around in my thoughts for a spell and we'll see you next time! Until then!

-Triple Da G.O.D!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

#TheCool: Technical Difficulties III: The Techletting

#TheCool back up in it on this Tuesday and as the title should indicate is that we here aren't still at full power but the things I'll do to make sure that this comes out every week that include bringing you this installment off of a phone that's tethered and pushing out 2G just to completely fuck with my mental state!! Because The Techletting is still a thing is that I've done nothing but try my best to get work done during this time and yesterday a 31 vid drop of UNIB v2.02 crack on #DoaGHThaDOJO which you should check out because of the Akatsuki play that's on display! A sample of the crack is below!

This happened because I was able to get some access to the internet thanks to The OG Legend: Therrty Bitches AKA Evilfreakzilla AKA THE VP OF THE FAMILY! Thank You Sir for looking out for your little brother. The love is appreciated most definitely!

I was able to procure some other vids to get #DoaGHThaDOJO up to date and when I get a reliable way to get those vids to you they'll be up!

Right now I'm in a very weird space. Because of my limited access to the internet is that getting things done when I can is and will be a thing for a while. You have my word that I'll will do the very best I can to continue to deliver the best work in the universe even with this small setback! So please be patient with me during this time! I'm hoping that this issue is seen to ASAP! Pray for me!

With that being said, time for This Week In Gaming!!

Onechambara Z Kagura With NoNoNo is out on Thursday and this trailer may be a reminder of that fact. Or something entirely different. Which it actually is. I just might get down on this for a #RunDatReXXX if I can work some things out to make it happen. We'll see.

Speaking of slicing & dicing zombies is that there's a new Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z trailer and there's plenty to learn and laugh about! Emphasis on either. Depends on you.

Slicing & dicing still with a new match from Soul Calibur 2 HD featuring Mitsurugi vs Maxi and the game will be out on the 19th (PSN) & 20th (XBLA). Still wanting 3AE HD! Always wanting 3AE HD!! #TeamCassie

In our current focus at the moment seems like a good time to remember the profound awesome/sadness of Sengoku Basara 4! These trailers are very focused on certain things. Ladies & DLC. There are some interesting Ladies & DLC to check out so please do.

Speaking of ladies how about we take a second and acknowledge Killer Instinct's leading lady Black Orchid! I'm loving what I see as a an Orchid player from the OG games and I see myself possibly maining her when that time comes. And speaking of my other possible main was confirmed yesterday. FULGORE!! Couldn't be a KI game without THE ROBOT of Fighting Games. BODY! READY!

Super Heroine Chronicle. More heroines doing heroic stuff on a grid. Learn how this all comes together by watching the trailer.

Heroes. Kamen Rider. Gaim doing his best Decade impression in Travelers Senki. This is a thing. A thing that I can't sadly import. Maybe time to import a 2DS from Japan whenever they become a thing.

Heroes of a different sort. DoA5U is coming with a new sports related costume pack that'll be out soon. From Tennis, not so Xtreme Beach Volleyball, to Rugby, Football & true Football with a Tecmo Bowl reference. Still 1 of the Top 5 sports games of all time. Find out the other 4 at some point in time. Maybe. I never got around to get Tecmo Bowl Throwback and that Wii version allegedly came out as something else. A thing that happens every now and again.

Giant Robots. Heroes. Super Robot Wars OG: Infinite Battle. This'll be out at the end of the month and I'm hoping this game kickstarts me getting into the series. Full Boost will be in January. Just saying.

What about the descent of a hero into darkness? Lords of Shadow 2 is just that. For reasons.

What if you could reverse the descent into a different darkness for your own benefit? The heroes of Super Time Force have just such an ability in which overuse is encouraged. Watch the trailer to learn how.

And what if your heroism was measured by how great your gun was? 2 Words. Mercenary! Kings! Will be out for Steam & PS4 soon.

With The Techletting still a current issue is that and combined with some things I had had to handle I didn't get a chance to get some gaming in but I'm hoping that does change this week coming up. Really hoping so. I'm trying to do some prep for some #RunDatReXXX possibilities and I'm hoping I can get some headway into those games because I really want to. You'll be surprised at what's coming down the bend soon.

I did however find myself at a point doing nothing but watching stuff outside the usual suspects and discovered how awesome Orange Is The New Black is. The long & short of it is that if you have a way to watch the show then you should just do that. Just do it!

When it comes to the usual suspects is that I'll say that I came to an epiphany. As much as I'll forever be salty about the loss of The Secret Circle is that The Originals needs to exist because without Klaus being a factor in The Vampire Diaries in fact makes both shows better. There's some crossover action in the works plot wise even though the show used the alternate take of the Pilot to retcon the time when The Originals takes place from instead of during the TVD Graduation for now when Elena & Caroline start college for whatever reason. I just needed to share how seriously I take what I watch by paying too much damn attention to what I do watch. That's me for you.

Revolution is going places plot wise as it should by doing [Insert Spoilers Here]. Emily Rickards is still the best thing on TV and Arrow also did some cool shit by [Insert Spoilers Here]! Korra after the awesome Wan episodes is trying to find its footing by [Insert Spoilers Here]! Gaim & Kyoryuger doing what they do because [Insert Spoilers Here]! Bleach & Naruto did [Insert Spoilers Here] because that's a thing that happens in manga! And Kill la Kill is still Godlike. Why? [Insert Spoilers Here]!

There's some other stuff I've prepped to watch so if and when I do I shall report my findings. And with that as we usually do at this time. What I Watched On YouTube When I Actually Had Access To The Internet!

As usual another Sonic For Hire and the gang is in search for the mysterious Creator and are on the search for clues. Wonder what they'll find?

The HVGN takes on the Castlevania GB Trilogy! A real interesting watch and insight into those games. I'll need to get around to playing those games really soon myself.

Congratulations to Team Four Star for 5 years in the game and 1,000,000 Subscribers on YouTube. Thank You for all the laughs and Nappa! Most definitely Nappa! May all of you find continued success in whatever you do. And more DBZA. MORE!!!

More anniversaries. For a mountain goat. Who headbutts cooches. We Love You Mountain Goat! Happy 4th anniversary!

We finally come to the end of Turnabout Storm and what an ending it was! There was some things hinted to in earlier parts that even the conclusion didn't touch on but it doesn't hurt it at all. If you haven't watched this yet then you should ASAP. It's that good and does a wonderful job to treating both franchises with care and making this crossover believable. Thank You to everybody who worked on this! You have my utmost gratitude and respect for this awesome project! Hopefully a sequel is coming because I'd be down for another adventure! So down!

And with that we come to end of another installment of #TheCool! As usual thanks are to you for coming around and kicking it with your folks for a bit.

I hope to be at full working capacity very soon. So continue to bear with me while this stuff gets worked out!

And that's that. Get outta here and enjoy the rest of your week. We'll see you back here at some point, at some time, some day for another installment of #TheCool!

And of course more Kokonoe! Even she's having some technical issues. Still looking to change up the motif and I'll report on actually using her in CP. Next week. Now be gone! Said with all the love in the world!

-Triple Da G.O.D!