Because of the Technical Difficulties is that PT came up short once again but I'm hoping I'm working at full capacity by the weekend so don't be surprised if your everything blows up and I'm responsible for it. Before all of this I was at least able to get in something for #DoaGHThaDOJO!
This week...
Under Night In-Birth: EXE:Late, Shin Koihime Musou & Chaos Code NeSiCa! I've been saying for weeks the slowness but this drought is man made. I'll be making up for this in a big way so be sure to stay tuned.
And with PT down, time for This Week In Gaming!
Ultra Street Fighter 4 is going hard now. Hard enough to make me pay attention. It would seem that they're adding some new mechanics to the mix. Those being the Double Ultra & Red Parry. The Double Ultra is going to allow you to do something that should've been a thing back in Super which is the option to have the ability to use both Ultras at the same time at the cost of doing less damage overall. There are going to be characters who benefit huge from this option and others who will just be able to continue with the same setup and be fine. And the Red Focus is just the ability to absorb multiple hits during a Focus Attack. From the video it doesn't look too viable as an actual option on either side of the ball now but I guess that's what the location tests are for. Should be interesting to see how that information will shape the final game and the game moving forward via updates. Let me see if all these things will make me pick the game back up.
Our 1st look at Soul Calibur 2 HD in action with 2 matches on the docket. Nightmare vs Mitsurugi & Raphael vs Xianghua. The game is looking quite spiffy and to be able to play this in HD will be a treat. Is still waiting for 3 Arcade Edition HD. Still. Waiting.
And to close us out is Akatsuki's story more from UNIB! Only here because the streets love it.
Because of these technical difficulties however I've been able to get some heavy gaming and I can reconfirm that Corpse Party is complete crack. I started playing it Saturday and have got completely sucked into it. Something will come from my experiences playing it so be watching for that. I played a bit of Chrono Phantasma trying to get my groove back with Miss Makoto while I wait for KOKONOE-HAKASE-SAN to be released as DLC. I still need to play Continuum Shift's Story Mode because that wasn't a thing I did when I actually should've. There's possible plans for that as well. We'll see if they pan out.
Also because of these technical difficulties I'm not caught up on everything but I did get in some Gaim which is still going in and coupled with Kyoryuger taking a turn for the super awesome. The Originals is getting better every single week and I'm OK in eating my words on how it isn't just a waste of a time slot. Arrow is still Arrow. Felicty Waifu Squad ALL DAY!! Naruto & Bleach still DeM'ing it because it is what it is. I'll always read it. The upside of missing everything is the catch up marathon that'll take place when the times comes. I'll be sure to let you know about it in the next installment.
And now it's time to start to wrap it up with What I Watched On YouTube When It Was Available To Watch!
Even with all of this craziness I can make sure to delve into the crazy that is Sonic For Hire. Still on the quest on who's fucking with them.
There's no better than Good Ol JR to commentate the great that video games provide.
Game. Grumps. Redux. The Return of Pinkie Tron!
If #DoaGHThaDOJO can't provide the crack we'll default to another supplier. Enjoy some NGBC!
You're question for this installment is the following, Does Wayne Brady have to choke a Wii U? We can only hope so!
And that does it for us. Before we go a couple of things.
Shouts to my SMG family mainly EvilFreakzilla's little brother Lemon making it big doing his thing rapping. Gotta respect those who wish to chase their dreams! Feel free to listen and hit him up on Twitter @LemonSMG and tell him I sent you!
With BBCP out we have to give the cover girl honors to KOKONOE-HAKASE-SAN of course! Even though the DLC isn't out yet. Technicalities, technicalities!
And that's that. Like I said I hope to be back to normal output by the weekend so don't be surprised when it comes.
As usual thanks for kicking it with your folks because we appreciate the company. Hopefully see us back next week for a fully featured installment of #TheCool!
Until next we meet!
-Triple Da G.O.D!
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